Head to Heart ADHD Parenting
Parents and Caregivers, We are thrilled to unveil our latest initiative – Head to Heart ADHD Parenting. Head to Heart…
Teaching and Modeling Empathy for our Kids with ADHD
EMPATHY It’s simply listening, holding space, without judgement, emotionally connecting, and communicating that incredible healing message of ‘You’re not alone.’ ~ Brene BrownEmpathy helps you…
Want Fewer Meltdowns? Try Softer Transitions
Does your child have a hard time with transitions? Do you struggle to get her to stop using a device…
Do You Know Your Child’s Love Language?
According to Dr. Edward Hallowell, CONNECTION, the other Vitamin C, is a core ingredient when raising a child with ADHD…
Talking with Kids: Avoiding Those One Word Answers
It wasn’t until I became a parent of teenagers that I recognized the value of asking my children ‘Open’ questions…
Finding Calm in the Midst of a Meltdown
A common concern I often hear from parents is that they too have a hard time getting calm when their…
We Are Hardwired To Connect
Neuroscientists have shown that our well-being depends on our connection to others. In fact, we are ‘hardwired to connect’. Since…
The Gift of Presence in Parenting
I’m reminded of a circus clown when I think back on what my days were often like raising our three…
Practical Tips for More Happiness in 2015
Every holiday my cousin sends us his 'pearls of wisdom' for the coming year. I particularly like this year's list…
Different Learners by Jane Healy, Ph.D.
When I was asked to promote Jane Healy’s book, I hesitated because one, I hadn’t read it and two, I…
The Daddy Brain
In honor of Fathers Day, I thought I would share this article from the Greater Good Center. The Daddy Brain By Jeremy…
The Quiet Power of Parental Love
I am reposting this fantastic article by Dr. Mike Bradley, one of my favorite parenting experts. His book, Yes, Your…