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Bullying and Exclusion: The Simplicity Solution
Last night I went to a lecture on Bullying and Exclusion by Kim Jon Payne, author of Simplicity Parenting: Using the Extraordinary Power of Less to Raise Calmer, Happier, and More Secure Kids.
I loved it – he’s an amazing educator. I’m only half way thru the book but I can definitely recommend it as one of my top 10 parenting books. Here are a few gems from his talk:
- 80% of children who are reactive will get picked on.
- No Child Left Intact Act (love this!)
- In order for children not to feel the sensory Tsunami (pressure from outside) parents must help them balance activity with downtime.
- More rhythm and predictability will help a child be more resilient.
- Boredom is the precursor to creativity.
- Research shows that bullying has the same affect on the brain as sexual abuse.
- Kids who are bullied are more apt to become media addicted; they isolate themselves and disappear deeper into video and media.
- 82% of those bullied come from homes of enmeshed parents.
- When our kids are picked on is the hardest time for parents not to be enmeshed.
- Coach a child not to be reactive and bullying will begin to subside.
- Parents need to hold the space of reason for their child.
His credo of simplifying your child’s life is such an important message. Our children are living in fast forward 24/7. Anything we can do to reduce the sensory onslaught will help to make their lives more predictable and ultimately more resilient.
I love the book and I hope you will too.
Be Well
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